Saturday, April 16, 2016

Day 16: Marriage and Teaching #AprilBlogADay Challenge

I'm actually going to go rogue from my own prompt today and here is why: Today is the 10th anniversary of my first date with my husband, Charles.  We had our first date the day I received my acceptance letter to graduate school at NYU.  I had put all my eggs in one basket (I only applied to NYU), I was getting by in my NYC life- coming up on my 1 year anniversary at the time and if I had not been accepted I was seriously thinking about moving back to Seattle, my hometown. April 16, 2006 was a major turning point in my life.  

I remember that first year of grad school Charlie reminding me that he knew what he was getting himself into when we started dating.  I was busy, a bit crazy and learning how to be a student again.  That first year of school was hard but I was thankful I had his levelheadedness and love on those nights when I had more to do that I thought possible.  He was my voice of reason, he made sure I had dinner every night and was always my go to when I needed to talk something through.  We made it to graduation but little did I know, it was just the beginning.  He had worked in a huge high school in LA for many years before we met and understood the teacher's life.  

The last 8 years of teaching has been a roller coaster: mentally and emotionally.  However, it is not lost on me the part he has played in this epic tale. I am thankful every day that I have a partner who understands my career, who doesn't get mad when I call at 6:30 to say I am just leaving school and will be home in an hour, who rolls with with it when I finally say at 7:30pm: What should we order for dinner?, who understands that I have 130 teenagers in my life, and who never questions a weekend of grading papers and lesson planning like I am doing this weekend.  

This fall, when I went back to grad school again he didn't miss a beat.  We resolved to make Saturday night: Date Night and that it has been.  We have had some wonderful nights out this year, but we have also had many fun nights in.  Tonight I made steak to celebrate and we are watching episodes of our favorite shows.  It is a near perfect night.  Having someone to share this teaching journey has made all the difference for me.  I know not everyone has what we have and I am lucky.  Thank you Charlie, for the last 10 years.

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