Friday, April 29, 2016

Day 29: Teacher Appreciation Week! #AprilBlogADay

-->Prompt: Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up. (May 2-6)- 
How do you celebrate your work and the work of your colleagues? 

Image via Ms. Lombardo
One of my favorite people, Kathleen, who also happens to be an amazing 8th grade teacher, posted a photo of herself on Facebook yesterday sitting in a GIANT beach chair. (Does spring break really have to end?!)  In the comments I wrote, "Edith Ann!" realizing after the fact that she may have no idea who I was talking about.  I had not thought about Edith Ann in years and then this morning as I was doing a little research for this blog post I came across this quote:

 "I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework."  
~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"

 This is so, so true.  As we head into teacher appreciation week it is important to thank teachers for their work and commitment to thinking. My favorite and best teachers challenged my thinking about what I was learning.  For me, every day I step into my own classrooms, I hope that I have created learning experiences that not only push the thinking of my students, but challenge my own thinking on a topic. 

This year, I would like to thank the teachers who so publicly document their journey.  Your journey through education provides insight for all of us and teaches us how to be better teachers.  I would like to thank my AP Lang Facebook group, an amazing collection of teachers who are innovating and challenging, creating exciting learning experiences for students.  I often read their posts and feel so, so inferior but then I am reminded that I am at the beginning (this is only my second year teaching AP Lang) and that I have so much to learn.  Their willingness to share and teach their colleagues is inspiring.  While we don't all agree with everything that is being done, in the end, it is about the kids.  This group epitomizes that ideal. 

I hope this week you all find time and space to thank your own teachers, your children's teachers and your colleagues.  I know for me, I don't need gifts.  Thank yous are enough.  There is nothing better than a note of thanks.  Take the time, write someone who has inspired you and thank them for their service to education and to learning. 

Article: What Do Teachers Really Want For Teacher Appreciation Week? (HuffPost)

NEA Website: 


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